Sunday, November 22, 2009

"Hi my name is Susan and I love the Twilight saga."

Now the support group is supposed to chime in and say in a flat tone, "Hi, Susan..." 

I don't know why I am always somewhat embarrassed to admit that I am a fan of the Twilight saga.  What an awesome series of books Stephenie Meyer wrote. She is such a cool person, too.  When she realized that her book, "Twilight" might actually be published, her wildest dream was to make enough money to pay off the $10,000 balance on the family's mini van.  Ha! 

I was at the midnight showing of New Moon (the second installment in the Twilight Saga- in case you've been living under a rock) with bunch of ladies I work with.  There we were (all of us are moms and a couple are even grandmothers) in a movie theater at 12:01 a.m. on a Thursday night for a movie premiere.  We bought our tickets weeks ahead of time so that we could watch it in the theater with the "monster screen".  They were actually able to fill up two other theaters besides the monster screen at the midnight showing.  I was surprised so many showed up at that hour. 

The movie was great and I was pleased that the director kept the story so close to the book.  Great special effects/CGI work with the werewolves, too.  Much better than the first one.  It was nice to see Kristin Stewart's character, "Bella", crack an occasional smile in the scenes with Taylor Lautner (aka "Jacob").  She is a little too brooding for me in the first movie.  My only complaint about New Moon was that many of the hairstyles of the Cullen family were changed for this movie.  They were dreadful!  I hated the new looks of Jasper, Rosalie, and Carlisle.  Esme's hair wasn't as bad, but seemed a little too modern for her.  She's supposed to be their "mother", after all.  I would think a more classic look would have been better suited for her.

As far as crafty stuff goes- which is what this blog is supposed to be about (not football and vampires)- I have been working on some Christmas presents.   BUT, I can't really elaborate because some of the intended giftees read this blog.  I'll take some pictures and then post my projects after Christmas, how's that?  Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Good gravy, mom, update your blog! It's been like, 3 weeks! Your followers expect more out of you. *shakes head*
